None of those things are particularly interesting let alone disappointing, to me. Blofeld is captured. How the incarceration goes is another story, literally.
It is intentionally ambiguous whether Bond and Madeleine are leaving (if they don't bring back Craig) or temporarily gallivanting (if they do bring back Craig), so that either way the ending works. If anything the interesting thing about this is that it sets up a recast to be some form of reboot rather than continuation, if they so desire.
The 00 division needs no particular arc closure; it might still be threatened next script if they don't quite yet feel the agency jeopardy horse has been beaten to death yet, though I sense horse gristle around all our ankles for a few years now. Or, they can move forward regardless, since the 00's just saved western civilization from the corruption of the "rival" modern agency methodology, they can be presumed to be redeemed for now, no real discussion necessary.
Wanting to see any/all of that explicitly is understandable. Not being satisfied without such detail is, you know, unnecessary.
Now, this is a signature gun, and that is an optical palm reader.