MovieChat Forums > James Bond > Is Domino Dervall the best Bond girl?

Is Domino Dervall the best Bond girl?

She is certainly the best looking one in my opinion, and probably the sexiest one as well. However, the script doesn't really provide any good dialogue for her, and her character comes across as overall flat, as a result.

So she is certainly the sexiest, but perhaps not the best in personality? What do you think?


Definitely not. Tracy and Vesper are pretty much the only contenders for best Bond Girl.

Ursula Andress is definitely the best looking to me.


Hmmm. Well those are good choices, but they are kind of the obvious, cliched choices. I mean when you look at people's best Bond girl lists, everyone is picking those two. But I think that Pussy Galore belongs up there too perhaps in terms of chemistry, no?


Verily I say unto thee..her name is Duval actually.




No, though I agree she's one of the sexiest.

Now, this is a signature gun, and that is an optical palm reader.


She is when I'm looking at her.

What no man Can give ya. And none Can take away.


But Ursula Andress is judged mostly for her looks though, as a Bond girl, isn't she? Cause her acting and her character are kind of wooden, much like Domino.

So why does Ursula get a pass?


Verily I say unto thee..her name is Duval actually.That's the most egregious spelling of Domino's surname I've ever witnessed on these boards.

Later, it's "Bond Girl" not "Bond girl". And you don't have to be shy about using that phrase.

I'm motivated by my Duty.
