Near the end of my dream last night
I had dreamt that I bought Christopher Woods novelization of Moonraker. then I woke up
shareI had dreamt that I bought Christopher Woods novelization of Moonraker. then I woke up
shareYou must follow your dream. You'll be pleasantly surprised.
What no man Can give ya. And none Can take away.
Near the end of my dream last night...
Ursula Andress walked out of the surf and suffered a wardrobe malfunction.
Connery, Moore, and Brosnan! Accept NO substitutes!
"Ursula Andress walked out of the surf and suffered a wardrobe malfunction."
At her age, it's more likely to be a hip malfunction.
Let me rephrase that... Honey Ryder walked out of the surf.
Connery, Moore, and Brosnan! Accept NO substitutes!
Honey Ryder is of a similar age to Ursula Andress.
Honeychile Rider is about 4 or 5 years older.
So keep that hip replacement on standby...
Some folks see the glass as half empty.
Others see it as past its sell by date and shelf life.
What no man Can give ya. And none Can take away.
It looks to me like she's had some plastic surgery.
She's still lovely to me