MovieChat Forums > James Bond > The best analysis of Craig era Bond ever...

The best analysis of Craig era Bond ever seen

Verily I say unto thee...or at least heard as I couldn't allow myself to watch it as I had been told it included clips from QoS and I cannot allow myself to witness that.I listened to it from the next room and must say I agree with all the points made.

To judge it for yourself here is the link:


Daniel Craig era is the best Bond era. I never though that any Bond era would beat the Connery era.


Verily I say unto thee....the Connery era hasn't been beaten and never will be.


^ Yep, this


Daniel Craig is the best Bond era. I never though that any Bond era would beat the Connery era.

Why haven't I seen this Daniel Craig fangirl before.... It has a poor grasp of English, spelling and punctuation which are big giveaways... Maybe its autism dulled my predatorial senses.


Then stay off the boards!!!! God knows it's not as if you're bringing anything new or less fangirlish to the table.


Im with Bap all the way on that one.


I listened to it from the next room

Gee whiz, Bap -- then you missed the exciting and thrilling opening car chase.

Take 'em to Missouri


You know that he's just gonna respond with something along the lines of "I couldn't see the opening chase editing due to the abysmal editing and the Swiss man's incompetent direction"
