MovieChat Forums > James Bond > Anyone here ever meet any of the six Bon...

Anyone here ever meet any of the six Bond actors?

And if so, what was he like in person?


I wish!!!! not Daniel Craig though.


not Daniel Craig thoughShocking.


The closest experience I've had to anything like that was almost being knocked down by Jonathan Pryce as I crossed Lymington Rd in West Hampstead, without looking, in the early 90s. His Mercedes pulled up sharply when I walked out in front of him and, rather than remonstrating with me and gesticulating furiously, he waved me on with a gracious flourish of his hand. I remember that he wore aviator shades and an open necked cream shirt.

Pryce had an air of insouciant panache about him even then, before he was fully embraced by Hollywood and had become an elder statesman of British television.

Later on that day, at a mini mart near where West End Lane veers at right angle towards Finchley Rd, Jimmy Somerville accidentally ran into my back with a shopping trolley as I waited in the queue for the checkout. I considered making a crass remark about it being no surprise that he had rear ended me, but, as he was so apologetic and lacking in hubris, I thought better of mocking his sexuality.

I'm well aware that my celebrity anecdotes are somewhat lacking in spice but at least they are unvarnished. If there is any lack of verisimilitude, it is down to the haze of distantly recalled memories rather than a need to provide a sheen of gaudy embellishments.


Never met any of the Bonds, but I met Rory Kinnear in a pub in Kent a couple of years ago.

Decent, down to earth guy.


Yeah, I'm Sean Connery nephew and Tim Dalton former neighbor.
I used to work at Walmart with Daniel Craig and Pierce Brosnan was my gardener for a summer.
I met Lazenby in a car crash he was involved in.
As for Roger Moore, he used to be the gardener of my nephew's neighbor and was involved in a car crash at Walmart while me and Daniel Craig were on our break.

As what they're like in persons, they are all so-so.
