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Bond PTS Tournament Round 1: Goldfinger vs The World Is Not Enough

Predictably TND went through in the last match up. NSNA is out.

Next matchup,

Goldfinger vs The World Is Not Enough.

Goldfinger has the fairly iconic fight that ends in a "shocking" moment. A cracking little mini movie, plastic Seagull not withstanding.

TWINE has of course, the massive boat chase on the Thames. I may be wrong on this one, but I am sure this is the longest PTS in any of the Bond films to date. As, I keep telling my Wife, length isnt always a guarantee of quality, but this opening scene is excellent.

If it was a match up between the two films as a whole there would be no contest, but....

My pick: The World Is Not Enough





Verily I say unto thee..GF of course, within seconds of the opening Bond kicks a guy in the face and that wasn't as common to see in the 60's as it is now.



The PTS for TWINE is nice, and I like the fact that it takes place in London, but it's too long, as a PTS is not supposed to be half of the movie.


GOLDFINGER all the way. A movie within a movie, showing the essence of Bond. Shocking, positively shocking. The best PTS of them all.

Whereas TWINE's PTS is, well, part of TWINE. Overblown, overlong, underwhelming.

Ceterum censeo OCTOPUSSY esse delendam.


TWINE. One of the best parts of the movie.


Goldfinger, of course. More than fairly iconic, there are few scenes in Bonddom that are moreso. Perfectly executed, often homaged, never surpassed, for the most part.

The World is Not Enough is ambitious enough, but is flawed in its disjointedness (Bilbao was cohesive but underwhelming in test screening, so London was butchered then tacked on for impact.) Not to mention, the stupidity of the waves in the face for the driver of the mini-boat always annoys me. Though, plenty of impressive components throughout, such as the score. Just, some are less than the sum of their parts.

Now, this is a signature gun, and that is an optical palm reader.


Goldfinger is probably my favorite PTS of the series. A perfect little Bond short-film.

Many should know my thoughts on TWINE but those who don't just be aware that I don't have many good things to say. Even if the boat chase is one of its better parts.


GOLDFINGER all the way. A movie within a movie, showing the essence of Bond. Shocking, positively shocking. The best PTS of them all.

Whereas TWINE's PTS is, well, part of TWINE. Overblown, overlong, underwhelming.
Yep. (Although there are a couple of PTS I like better.)

So Goldfinger it is.

Send her to the snakes!
