Hobbit boxoffice nose-dive: F^^k yeah Murica hates Tauriel!
AUJ: 303M (no Tauriel)
DOS: 258M (Tauriel)
BOTFA: will top out under 258M (Tauriel)
Tauriel made Middle Earth drop under 300M despite 3D and inflation. Fact.
PJ expected 9 years old girls to drive Tauriel boxoffice. But that didn't happen. Fans of the source gave her the finger and 9 years olds didn't care cause they had Frozen princesses and whatever else they watched this year instead of tauriel's stupid sh!t. here's the proof:
Yeah, there’s negative reaction from Tolkien fans, but then you have a nine-year-old girl who goes to the movie and she’s delighted that there’s a character she can relate to. So it depends on what side of the track you want to come from. […] Then you’ve got the king and you’ve got a son, and stories are best told with three people, not two, because then you can create conflicts and triangles. So we wanted a third elf character. Was this a chance to put a female role in the story? Because there are so few female roles. Also you do have a lot of young girls seeing this film, and they should have somebody in there who they can empathize with. It was a very cold-blooded decision. Yes, OK, a female elf. And that was how it came about…
You have to be aware of your audience or otherwise you’re just not doing your job. I just think of all those eight-year-old, nine-year-old, 10-year-old girls who come to see these films. Who are they going to actually empathize with? At least they have Tauriel. At least they know how to kill Orcs now. So that could come in handy one day. We are teaching girls good skills!
http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/12/04/no-regrets-peter-jack son-says-goodbye-to-middle-earth.html
So, Boyens and PJ tried to convince us that Hobbit absolutely needed "feminine energy", but audience rebelled against it and result is boxoffice nose-dive in North America despite 3D and 10 years inflation. Which was enough to prevent DOS and BOTFA from hitting 1B like AUJ.
Ponder this irony. if they didn't try to appeal to audience that doesn't have interest in these movies to begin with and who have their own idols who are much younger than Evangeline Lilly (why would 9 years olds care for 35 years old actress when they have actresses in their teens like Chloe Moretz or early 20s like JLaw?), they would've had bigger boxoffice because fans wouldn't have been turned away in disgust. But Tauriel put off Tolkien fans and failed to attract new audience. cause everyone smelled a turd and ran in opposite direction. Fact.
Tauriel = boxoffice poison and PJ only has himself to blame. Fans were very vocally against her so he could have scrapped her altogether. Now he ended up with boxoffice downfall. Ha!