104th Tour de France
Who here is excited for the 104th Tour de France? What do you want to see happen on the race? What stages are you excited about watching? Who do you want to see win the whole race?
The 104th Tour de France starts on Saturday, July 1, 2017 in Düsseldorf, Germany and ends on Sunday, July 23, 2017 in Paris, France. As much as I do not like to see the racers fall off their bicycles and hurt themselves, just like in NASCAR with car crashes and NHL with two hockey players fighting and drawing blood, crashing on their bicycles is sometimes apart of the race and can be exciting to watch which could change the outcome of the race. As long as no one gets seriously injured with road burns and/or broken bones, I am okay with crashes. I am most excited for the mountain stages because it amazes me how the racers can ride up the mountain like it is nothing. Unless I train like how the racers train, I would not even begin to tackle riding up a mountain on a bicycle. If Chris Froom wins the whole race, I would not be surprised; however, if a new unknown racer wins the whole race, that would be exciting, too.
To see the televised schedule, look at the next post.