MovieChat Forums > Music General > Will Hollywood ever discover techno musi...

Will Hollywood ever discover techno music?

In 2015, Claire Danes went on the Ellen show and explained that she likes to dance to techno. Ellen immediately asked Danes to show her some dance moves and put on what she thought was techno music. And even though Danes tried her best to say that “This is not techno”, Ellen had no idea. Nor did the producers who probably chose the music:

The cringy clip is painful to watch, however the misguided understanding of techno is not unfamiliar, as the same lack of knowledge can be found in most American cinema. Of course, there will always be a bunch of exceptions, but generally speaking, Hollywood seems to have no idea what techno actually is.

This is mostly true in all American films, but especially noticeable in your typical caper films where some super cool characters embark on a roller coaster ride through a whole bunch of plot twists. In its European iterations, the typically slick robbers will often pull of their heist to a soundtrack of drum&bass, techno, house, ambient, and other subgenres of its ilk. Generally electronic music from the 21st century.

Similar caper films from Hollywood on the other hand will invariably consist of rock, jazz and old crooner songs. It is like they are 40 years or more behind the times. And even when a movie features a scene at club or rave, the soundtrack will usually be some cheesy eurodance from the early 90s, akin to what Ellen played for Claire Danes.


No, she said it's not *good* techno music. It most certainly is the late 80s-early 90s concept of techno, was very wide spread and was probably what most 50/60-somethings still consider techno. Sorry, it happens in time.

It's kind of like playing Dream Theater to your boomer Emerson, Lake and Palmer fan.


Except it doesn't just happen some times. It happens all the time.

Even when hip new directors in their 30s make Hollywood films or tv-shows where some characters go to a club or rave, they still seem to have a no knowledge of what has happened in the world of music for the last 30 years.

Personally, I've never gone clubbing in America, but I'm guessing they don't actually still play this dated music on a regular basis? Or are all American clubs always having a retro night, every single night?


Uh, I never said it just happens some of the time. I said it happens in time. Thanks for affirming the point I've already made. You seem to have understood the point I was making too.


You said it happens with 50/60-somthings. I said it also happens with 30-somethings.

Thus "not just some times, but all the time".


Ok. it's pretty clear that you're not understanding. It has to do with progression of what was popular at a point in time for people. That's what it happens "in time."


Yeah, you're not so hot on the understanding there either, buster ;)

How does 30 year old music have anything to do with "progression of what was popular at a point in time for people"... when relating to people who were barely even born in the 90s?
