Movie title

I'm trying to remember the name of a movie that I saw in 2002 on DVD. I don't recall too many details except that there were some people who went to a house and there was an old lady in a wheelchair. I'm assuming it would've been made late 90's/early 2000's, but can't be certain. Not much to go on, and very vague details, sorry, but if anyone has any ideas I'd love to know. Thank you.


Can you be more specific on what type of film it was? ie horror, drama, comedy etc.

In the meantime, perhaps it is on one of these lists of films with people in wheelchairs in them


I would like to assume it was a drama, but I can't be completely too sure about that, as we laughed a lot through it so it was either poorly made or quite possibly black humour. I am sure that the lady in the wheelchair wasn't who the movie was centred around but for some reason she sticks in my mind. Like I said, very vague details but a friend and I are hell bent on trying to remember what it was. I will try the woman in a wheelchair list. Thanks.


You're welcome. Hopefully it is in that list somewhere.


Sounds like Duplex (2003).
